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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Technology and Art Education

I just went to my first evening of classes for a cool class using technology in the classroom. I cannot wait to see what it has in store -- it looks like I have found something to engage me and motivate me to do some things that I've been putting on the back burner (this blog being one of them).

So far, the biggest accomplishment I've has this year has been to create a huge bundle of boards on my pinterest site. Visit me there at:

This semester's art lessons are all going to be tied into Arizona's 100th birthday coming up in February. I have had a great time discussing how Arizona must have been 100 years ago with the kids. The one big surprise for me was to discuss photography with 3rd graders. I hadn't put much thought into the fact that most of them didn't even know what film was. When I was in 3rd grade, I remember my mom hooking me up with this really groovy orange, yellow and white 110 film Kodak camera. The funny stories come out when I tell them that I had 24 pictures I could take on a roll and that I didn't know what the pictures looked like until I had them developed. It's days like that when you interact with kids and realize #1 How old you are.... #2 How much I really DO have to teach them.

I am having a really great time embracing Arizona and what we have to offer culturally, socially and economically. The projects I'm looking at right now deal with the wildlife of AZ, cactus, sports teams...ya know. What I didn't expect was having the feedback from the kids to see what interested them and to hear what they think about Arizona. This should turn out to be a very inspiring quarter.