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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Scrapbooking as a Personal Discovery

OK – I have a creative thing. I love to create and yet I do it so infrequently. My main reason I don’t create – I think – is that I don’t have a deadline. I don’t “Have” to. I procrastinate a lot. I also like to collect ideas and tend to get overwhelmed. I was lucky to find an online creative community in January and it was just what I needed. I felt a little like a rip off artists. Not an artist at all – just a copy cat. I followed the projects that milliande created and followed her directions just to get myself going. I have heard that sometimes writers will take someone else’s writing and use them to just get a jumpstart so I though I’d try that. I’ve take pictures from other artists and copied them just to get painting. When I’m finished I am always amazed at how good I am at painting. I am a good artist – or am i? Am I goo d if I copy someone else’s art? Maybe I’m good at technique but not a good artists… but I am getting off track.
So – I followed these prompts like a trooper. It was the most discipline I’d had in a long time – then she had to stop. Hey, the woman has a life ya know. Once I had that happen I realized that I could do this. I could create my own prompts. Inspiration is out there I just have to go and get it.

The first steps I am going to go through is to dig up what I already have. I have a ton of materials, lots of books and a lot of ideas of my own just waiting to happen. I am going to write like I am now…then I am going to put together a few plans. I think I will sketch out a few layouts for what I can do. I may create a painting or a scrapbook page. I am finding that the scrapbook idea is scaring me.I get a little ADHD with the scrapbook because I start looking at pictures and then get overhwhelemed with how may I have. I want to do too much. If I could just select one I suppose that would be good – OK – I will select ONE picture and make a page around that.

To DO:Select ONE picture
Meditate on it. Maybe find a way to write up a script for a creative meditation on it…..put together a podcast???
Create a page around it…..
If it’s good maybe you can make a youtube video.
OK – that’s a start…it’s easy – it’s just one thing… I can do this…

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